Functional Skills Level 2 Mathematics
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of working with numbers including calculations involving negative numbers and how to apply these skills to solve problems. You will also learn how to use a calculator to represent situations efficiently and become used to showing how you work through a problem.
Rounding is a way of simplifying numbers. It is an essential skill to learn as sometimes you do not need to give the exact number. You will find that you round numbers all the time without even realising it. For instance, if someone asks you for the time at 2.32pm, you might say "It's about half 2". In this tutorial you will learn how to round to an appropriate number of decimal places in practical problems.
Formulae are used to describe the relationship between quantities. Formulas are used everywhere, from scientists using them to explain how the world works, to cooks calculating the amount of ingredients they need. It is therefore important to know how to recognise and apply formulae. After working through this tutorial you will be able to use formulae to solve practical problems and represent appropriate information from a table as a formula. You can then use this to make conclusions and compare results.
Fractions, decimals and percentages are used all the time to solve everyday problems such as working out how much money you will save on clothes in a sale! In this tutorial you will:
- Find fractions and percentages of quantities in practical problems
- Add, subtract, multiple or divide with decimals in practical problems
- Increase or decrease quantities using percentages in practical problems
- Use decimal, fraction and percentage equivalences to find solutions to practical problems
This tutorial will guide you through the process of problem solving using ratios and conversions. After completing the tutorial you will be able to:
- Find and express the numbers you need as ratios in their simplest form
- Divide quantities into a given ratio and understand how ratios relate to proportions
- Convert between different values to solve practical problems
Probability is the chance or likelihood that an event will happen. A typical question that you might here that involves probability is "I wonder what the chances of rain are today?" In this tutorial you will learn how to calculate the answers to this type of question. This tutorial will show you how to identify the information you need to calculate probabilities and use a numerical scale from 0 to 1 to express and compare probabilities.
We work with time everyday. From reading a train timetable, planning a holiday or going through the TV guide to make sure you don't miss your favourite show. This tutorial will take you through different aspects of working with time, such as adding times together and planning schedules.
This tutorial will take you through the methods and formula used to calculate areas and volumes of real life objects. For this you will need to be able to use appropriate units of measurement and show that you can select relevant information in order to give solutions to problems. You will also be required to recognise and use common 2D representations of 3D objects and apply this to practical problems.
We hear the word 'average' used all the time. 'He averages about 4 cups of tea a day' or 'the average price of a house is going up!' There are actually three main types of average that can be used - the mean, median and mode. In this tutorial we will learn how to work out each of these averages for different data sets and understand the situations in which each can be useful. We will also move on to look at how to work out the range and how to compare different sets of data.
In this tutorial you will learn how to collect and represent data using tables, graphs and charts. This sort of visual representation of information is something you may recognise from advertisements, holiday brochures or magazines, for instance, a table comparing prices of holiday villas at different times of the year. You will need to understand how to draw graphs and charts using appropriate scales and be able to find relevant information from tables and graphs. You will then need to use this information to solve problems.
Once you have completed all of the tutorials, you will be ready to sit the Mock Exam. This will give you an indication of whether you are ready to take the Final Exam