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British Values

What are British Values?

The Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain, valuing our community and celebrating diversity. Buttercups Training is dedicated to encouraging staff and learners to feel safe, valued and contribute with integrity, to the good of themselves and others. These values mirror the principles of Buttercups Training and are embedded throughout our programmes and promoted by all staff. According to the Department of Education guidance, they are:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of Law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual Respect for and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith

What do they mean for a Buttercups learner?


Learners are encouraged to voice their opinions through discussions and activities during their programme, enabling them to have a wider understanding of subjects in a safe environment. We encourage learners to view their role in the wider picture, highlighting that their views count, respect each other’s opinions and values and talk about their feelings. We encourage democracy in action and learners sharing views. They will be given opportunities to develop enquiring minds, where questions are valued and differences respected.

Rule of Law

Everyone encounters rules and laws throughout their lives. Buttercups learners will understand that whether these laws govern their learning, their neighbourhood or the country, they are set for good reason and must be adhered to. Learners understand rules and guidelines, from health and safety and dispensary regulations to an acknowledgement of the wider laws and expectations that bind our society.

Individual Liberty

We encourage a warm, positive and inclusive culture in our organisation, so learners feel safe. We encourage choice and freedom. Debate is valued in our assessment and training to ensure learners are able to have freedom of speech to voice their opinions. We promote values of freedom of choice and difference.

Mutual Respect & Tolerance

Mutual respect and tolerance is at the core of our organisation. Learners treat each other and staff with respect. We promote mutual respect and difference between individuals. Buttercups fosters good relations via disability awareness, equality and diversity training. We encourage tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Tolerance through knowledge and understanding helps learners to become respectful citizens who can build a better society.
